
»The systemic approach is characterized by a special kind of openness; there is room for virtually everything in the systemic world view.«

Dr. Ernst Domayer

  • Partner, osb international
  • Organizational consultant and trainer with a primary focus on human resources development and assessment of potential, teambuilding, executive development and training

Recent consulting activities

  • Integrated human resources development projects with a primary focus on strategy implementation, succession planning, executive development and training
  • Customized assessment of potential by means of various procedures and instruments (individual and group assessment, computer-assisted assessment instruments, self-assessment), systems development, management of international projects to assess potential
  • Team development for management teams, development of leadership skills and capacity for teamwork, conflict intervention, and group dynamic training
  • Consulting for family businesses, organizational and divisional development
  • One-on-one executive coaching, personality development, and team supervision

Professional background

  • Studied psychology and sociology in Vienna, study program at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, London
  • Training in group dynamics at the EIT, training in systemic consulting with Peter Fürstenau and Fritz Simon
  • Qualified psychoanalyst
  • 20 years' experience in organizational consulting for companies and non-profit organizations
  • Publications on family businesses, HR development, and assessment of potential

»A supportive consulting relationship is a unique, one-of-a-kind service that cannot be made routine.«