You are looking for ...
... ways to make your organization more innovative and adaptive in your context.
... ways to leverage agile tools and approaches already used in individual teams and areas across the entire organization ("scaling").
... an overview of tools and approaches - from Scrum to SAFe, from Design Thinking to Lean Start-up.
How we can support you
- Customized, context-related organizational design.
- Strategy-oriented development of the organizational design with a tailored implementation of classic and agile organizational elements.
- Use of tried and tested tools and methods to analyze the organization “as-is”, design the “to-be” state, and during implementation.
- Orientation in the jungle of tools. Extensive support during implementation.
How you benefit
- A design for your organization that combines agile and "classically" organized departments and teams in a suitable form.
- Appropriate control systems, collaboration models and communication formats.
- Clarity on leadership requirements.
- Effective implementation, including enabling adaptation.
- Improved organizational performance (organizational ambidexterity).
What is important to us
- Complexity can only be managed by leveraging diversity - not through simplification.
- Agile concepts help to expand the repertoire for this.
- We are convinced that future viability requires a balanced combination of agile and classic design elements.
- There is no good or bad form of organization - there are only effective or ineffective forms of organization.