How we can support you
- We offer you the innovative possibility to make the future visible in the present and thus to better assess it.
- We subject your future processes to a real stress test, anticipate stumbling blocks and derive concrete modifications from them.
- For this - after careful joint preparation by internal stakeholders and consultants - all the key players play through a decisive new process in one room.
How you benefit
- The specific indicators of the successful introduction of the new processes become perceptible and thus immediately relevant for implementation.
- SOS Process - Systemic Organizational Simulation increases the steering competence of all those involved and makes a significant contribution to ensuring that desired paths to change can actually be taken.
- The method directly promotes and supports organizational learning in your company.
What is important to us
We are sparring partners and facilitators of the simulation and evaluation process.
We bring together all relevant perspectives in a constructive learning space: Future process participants as role players or observers, representatives of the interfaces to other processes or task areas, customer/supplier representatives or persons who can take on their perspective, management representatives in the perception of the leadership perspective.