
In-house Change Lead

You are looking for ...

... an external change-lead function on site, with a systemic perspective and a reliable weekly monitoring of your project.
... an experienced consultant who will conceptually prepare your transformation in alliance with your internal project management and support it with strategic and operational impulses.


How we can support you

  • We establish a stable and experienced external sparring role for the leadership system and relevant stakeholders.
  • We provide strong technical and facilitative hands-on support for the PL function.
  • We ensure continuous sparring for process design and all HR and PE issues related to the change initiative, including a constructive culture for managing leavers.
  • We moderate conflicts and difficult situations in your transformation.
  • We design and conduct pulse checks.
  • We support the organizational learning process through change monitoring.

How you benefit

  • Improved working capacity and effectiveness of the leadership system for change.
  • Trustworthy support for program or project leadership and liaison/relationship management throughout the organization.
  • Effective change communication that gets the team moving proactively, not reactively.

What is important to us

  • In this role we do not act as a PMO or as a driver for internal reporting. These are important roles for which support should also be established in the project.
  • We act in the role of a credible sparring function for all relevant stakeholders and the management system concerned, i.e. we support you as an external party in-house with an agreed scope of work for a manageable period of time and a commitment of usually 2-3 BT per week, just for this role.
  • Within the framework of contract audits, we regularly review effectiveness and cooperation with each other.

More about Enabling Change

Communicating Change professionally

Enabling Change

Qualifying internal key players

Enabling Change

Change @Leadership Team

Enabling Change