21. März 19

Systems Thinking
for HR Professionals, Agile Coaches and Digital Marketing Experts
You are an HR Professional in a Startup or an Agency responsible for recruiting, development and HR processes and you are searching for tools and methods to facilitate growth in your organization? You are an Agile Coach who offers trainings for teams, and is missing a holistic framework that makes your work more impactful?
You are a UX Designer or Digital Marketing Expert who is confronted with major change scenarios at your clients organization and is looking for the right mind-set to navigate the challenge successfully?
Systems Thinking is a powerful framework which helps you learn and understand how organizations work. It expands your mindset, makes you more effective in your role and enables you to guide your organization through transformation processes, as well as periods of change and growth.
In three days you will gain an understanding of how your organization works, what people need in periods of transformation and change, and what it takes to improve processes along the way. Managing conflicts, supporting teams and team leads in their development and asking the right questions at the right time is what you will practice. You will also learn from three different experts and get a chance to solve your current challenges together with the other participants.
Download the detailed program here (PDF)
The program will be in English.
Book the whole program now and become a certified Systems Thinker:
Package Systems Thinking (May 9 / June 13 / July 11, 2019)
Package Price: EUR 790
Book parts 1-3 individually (without certificate):
Part 1: How Organizations work (May 9, 2019)
Part 2: How Leadership works (June 13, 2019)
Part 3: How Transformation works (July 11, 2019)
Price for one part: EUR 290
You will receive a confirmation and an invoice via email. Please include the invoice address and - if applicable - your company VAT/USt-ID in your booking email if required by your companies invoicing standards.